
Welcomes you for the new dimension of career

Welcome for the new dimension of your academic, personal as well as career exposure. I am very glad to be a part of your each and every enthusiastic and energetic step towards your career. I request all the students of various discipline to watch it whenever you have time and give us your valuable feedback. I, on behalf of KSRCE, wish you to share your innovative creation of ideas or knowledge and do healthy discussion about it. The topic may be about bioinformatics, networking, data mining, career choices, Higher studies in abroad, Research, Placement activity, ... and so on.I request you for posting and the healthy discussion on any career oriented topic.
Some inspirational quotes for your life are

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself".
"The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives".
“Life is relationship"
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Please mail at for posting new topic. - Adhithan.S.V.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

KSRCE, II MCA, Sathya Priya - Interview Tips

Sathya Priya, II MCA shares her tips with the reader.
It is important as you prepare for your interview to anticipate what questions the employer might ask. The following questions are examples of the types of questions that you may be asked to answer.

1.Do some research on the business before the interview. (See "How to Find a Job," "Research the Employer.")
2.Practice interviewing.
3.Go alone. Do not take children or friends.
4.Greet the employer with a handshake.
5.Make frequent eye contact.
6.Smile, be polite, and try to relax.
7.Listen carefully to the questions asked. Ask the interviewer to restate a question if you are confused.
8.Answer questions as directly as possible.
9.Be upbeat and make positive statements.
10.If you've worked before, talk about what you learned from it.
11.Use examples of how your skills and abilities would fit the job.
12.Bring your "Fact Sheet" with telephone numbers and addresses of your references and former employers, just in case you are asked to complete an application. (See "The Application," "Fact Sheet.")

Questions to Expect (What the Employer May Ask You):
1.Tell me about yourself. (This is often an ice-breaker question. Keep the answer job or skill related.)
2.What do you know about the type of work we do? (This is your chance to tell what you know from the research you completed ahead of time.)
3.What is your weakness? (Always make this a positive answer. For example, "My spelling is not always perfect, so I always use a spell checker.")
4.What are your strengths? (Describe your skills in a way that will show you as a desirable employee for the company.)
5.Why did you leave your last job? ( Answer with a positive statement. Try not to say: "I was fired," "terminated," "quit," "had no babysitter," or "couldn't get along with coworkers or supervisor". However, you can say: "new job," "contract ended," "seasonal," "temporary," "career change," "returned to school," to raise a family," or "relocated.")
6.Why have you been unemployed for such a long time? (Tell the truth. Emphasize that you were looking for a good company where you can settle and make a contribution.)
7.Why should we hire you? (Make a positive statement, such as "I would like the opportunity to work with you and believe that I can do the work.")
8.Do you have references? (It is most important that you contact your references ahead of time and have their name, current address, and telephone numbers.)

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