
Welcomes you for the new dimension of career

Welcome for the new dimension of your academic, personal as well as career exposure. I am very glad to be a part of your each and every enthusiastic and energetic step towards your career. I request all the students of various discipline to watch it whenever you have time and give us your valuable feedback. I, on behalf of KSRCE, wish you to share your innovative creation of ideas or knowledge and do healthy discussion about it. The topic may be about bioinformatics, networking, data mining, career choices, Higher studies in abroad, Research, Placement activity, ... and so on.I request you for posting and the healthy discussion on any career oriented topic.
Some inspirational quotes for your life are

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself".
"The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives".
“Life is relationship"
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Please mail at for posting new topic. - Adhithan.S.V.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Maareswari - II MCA - Planning To Redesign Your Website? Check these Simple Tips

There’s no secret sauce and this redesign was more about implementing the various things I have learned in the last 5 years. I’ll try to cover all the points here as they may help people who are planning to launch a new website or getting a fresh coat of paint for an old site.
1. Old Google Analytics reports helped me determine all the non-English languages that were most popular with visitors. I used that data to order the various languages in the translation drop-down above.
2. All clicks on social sharing tools (like delicious, StumbleUpon, etc) are again tracked via Google Analytics. This helps in keeping the layout less cluttered as we can remove services that are less frequently used.
3. A lot of people still prefer to print pages so there’s a separate print stylesheet that removes all the non-essential stuff from the pages while printing. The same format is available when saving pages as PDF which is another hugely popular option.
4. If you look at the subscription buttons in the top right corner of the page, the RSS readers are placed in the order of popularity using data from FeedBurner.
5. – The mobile friendly version of the blog is implemented using Google Reader. The difference is that the Google Reader page is rendered inside a frame so you have an easy to remember web address.
6. There’s a dedicated search page powered by Google Custom Search – this makes it easy for people to search DI from the address bar of new browsers like Chrome (see #4).
7. There are detailed pages like About Me, FAQ, Tools & Widgets, Press, etc. These small things do help in converting a casual search visitor into a regular reader. And please don’t feel shy in writing about yourself because nobody else is going to do that for you.
8. Always add a detailed Advertising page to help potential advertisers get an idea about advertising rates and different ad slots available on your website and RSS feeds. I use Google Ad Manager for managing all the direct advertising campaigns.
9. Always create an HTML sitemap of your site that is different from the regular XML sitemap. The whole idea is that search engines should be able to discover all pages on your site within two levels.
10. Common files like CSS, JavaScript and images are now hosted on Amazon S3 – this helps reduce the number of incoming connections (and load) on the main web server thus improving overall performance.
11. I ran a heat map test using CrazyEgg for about a month to determine the right placement of certain section of this site.
12. The blogroll page received a huge response from readers and also helped me build relationships with certain bloggers whom I read regularly but never got an opportunity to interact before.
13. The actual content is served from while the images are served from another sub-domain at Why? Since browsers create only a limited number of connections to one site, serving images from another location probably speeds up loading.
To know how this can be implemented, read these WordPress Tips & Tricks.
14. Divya Manian played a major role in the redesign of Digital Inspiration.
15. Whenever possible, I try adding text captions to images as that helps improve rankings in Image Search engines thus bringing indirect traffic.
16. I moved from Blogger to WordPress about an year ago but didn’t move the old Blogger articles in WordPress since that would break all the organic rankings. Looking at the current traffic on the old blog, I think that was not a bad decision – something you may wish to consider when planning to move to your own domain from or
17. I take my Google Webmaster Central reports very seriously – Big G is responsible for ~90% of the search traffic.
18. I try to use short URLs (aka post slugs) for articles taking a hint from Matt Cutts.
19. AdSense ads are not displayed on articles for three days from the date of publishing. Thus people who follow the site regularly don’t see ads.
20. The new design uses section targeting and that has definitely helped in increasing the overall relevancy of AdSense ads.

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