
Welcomes you for the new dimension of career

Welcome for the new dimension of your academic, personal as well as career exposure. I am very glad to be a part of your each and every enthusiastic and energetic step towards your career. I request all the students of various discipline to watch it whenever you have time and give us your valuable feedback. I, on behalf of KSRCE, wish you to share your innovative creation of ideas or knowledge and do healthy discussion about it. The topic may be about bioinformatics, networking, data mining, career choices, Higher studies in abroad, Research, Placement activity, ... and so on.I request you for posting and the healthy discussion on any career oriented topic.
Some inspirational quotes for your life are

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself".
"The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives".
“Life is relationship"
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Please mail at for posting new topic. - Adhithan.S.V.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

KSRCE, Mareeswari II MCA-A, Multimedia Quiz

KSRCE, Mareeswari II MCA-A shares her tips with us
Some useful questions on Multimedia.
1. With reference to multimedia elements, pick the odd-one out of the following:
• Graphics
• Animation
• Audio
• Video
• Voice Script

2. JPEG is an acronym for __________ and is a file format for _________

3. What is another name for 2D animation?

4. What is the name of popular software used for creating 2D animation
for use in web pages?

5. Which of the following is NOT a video file extension: MP4, AVI, QT,
JPG, and MOV?

6. In animation, a keyframe is a frame in which the artwork differs
from that of the previous frame: TRUE or FALSE?

7. MP3 is an extension of a _________ file

8. Which of the following two file formats has a smaller file size: WAV or MP3?

9. In a multimedia project, a storyboard details the text, graphics,
audio, video, animation, interactivity, and other that should be used
in each screen of the project: TRUE or FALSE?

10. DAT is an acronym for _________

11. If you do not want external noise to enter into the room where a
voice-over recording for a multimedia project takes place, then that
room should be _________

12. What is the name of the programming / scripting language of Flash?

13. With an appropriate software and more than one GIF image, you can
create a GIF animation: TRUE or FALSE?

14. Which HTML tag you've to use to insert a Flash movie in a web page?

15. If you want to enlarge / reduce an image size, which differs
extensively from its original size without loss in its quality, that
image should be in which format: vector or raster format?

16. A graphic image file name is tree.eps. This file is a bitmap
image: TRUE or FALSE?

17. EPS is an acronym for __________

18. A multimedia developer wants to use a video clip in a project and
he wants the clip’s file size to be as small as possible. Which
video file format should he use: MP4 or AVI?

19. FPS stands for __________

20. A broadcast / NTSC video requires how many FPS for it to play smoothly?

21. Codec is any acronym for __________. It can be hardware-based,
software-based, or both: TRUE or FALSE?

22. Using Illustrator or CorelDraw you can create mainly what type of
graphics: vector or raster?

23. What is the name of the function for integrating multimedia
elements, programmatically and or without programming, using a
software, to create a multimedia project?

24. What method of animation creates the in-between frames when you
create the start and end points of the animation?

25. A most basic skill a person requires to pursue an animation career
is ________ skills.

Multimedia Quiz Answers
1. Voice script
2. Joint Photographic Experts Group; Graphic images
3. Cell animation
4. Flash
5. JPG
7. Sound/Music/Audio file
8. MP3
10. Digital Audio Tape
11. Soundproof
12. ActionScript
13. TRUE
15. Vector
17. Encapsulated Post Script
18. MP4
19. Frames Per Second
20. 30
21. Coder-Decoder; TRUE
22. Vector
23. Authoring
24. Tweening
25. Drawing

If you find the questions are useful, please tell me your feedback.

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